Saturday, June 24, 2006

why stop asking for 60 days maternity?

Shahrizat wants a 60 days maternity leave for married women or single parent. On the onset it is good to tie up with the public sector. In fact most union agreements have a 60 days maternity leave for married women. I think if it changes the Labour Laws then most workers will benefit but currently I see it is with the family runs businesses that does not follow with the unionised workers. These workers work long hours with less pay less benefits. I can understand the view of the owners. Some family run businesses are not doing so well but they need to survive because it is the daily bread and butter for them. Currently the companies or sole enterprises want to survive and people want job to feel a sense of belonging not with those benefits when they can't be employed in the first place. Job opportunities must be there for the people to choose. We hear of unemployed graduates not suitable for job applied or choosy or can't communicate with confidence. And the tax payers need to golf out more money to retrain these graduates. And we forget about those we discontinue their studies after SPM/STPM...not every one can progress to universities. I dont hear of helping out these secondary students. In time these people who will be bad hats in our society if we hold the view that less educated people will cause more troubles in the country..So why fight for 60 days maternity leave when there are many problems affecting the unemployed people? The money to retrain them can be used to set up businesses for these unemployed graduates or secondary school leavers to work with. In the end they will acquire skills to run a business themselveas. Set up a cash crop enterprise where money making is much easier in a short term planning. Set up a few companies for different products and use these graduate skills and labour intensive skills of the secondary school this way there is a way for them to learn the tools of a business..

Malaysia.......the ice-cream man calling

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