Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Will the Muslim terrorists learn about the truth of Islam? Will they continue to harp on terrorism to achieve their hopeless aim? Do these followers of terrorism learn why their leaders never go and lead the charge but hide behind? Because they never want to die....In my view it is wrong to do deadly harm to other faiths. Blowing one's soul as a sacrifice to achieve one's objective is a poor taste of cowardice. People of the world are God's children. You can have any color on your skin yet you have a special bond with God to live to learn to explore to spread one's seed to live in harmony with other faiths and people on Earth. Blowing up to kill other people is committing a deadly sin by itself which isnt the way to paradise. Fasting month is approaching................this is good time to sit and ponder the way of the religion. It is really sad that people could be easily fooled by others in the name of a religion and ultimately pays a life for it. Yet the leaders just keep going to spread their brand of religion but they dont want to die. Only the followers want to die believing that they will go to heavens. This is a conned job by men. Only Allah can promise you paradise not through any religious leaders who at best know how to tell you and recite the texts to proof his skills. Every one is sinful no matter what you thought about it. Religion is a bridge to close the gap of one's sinful ways and learn how to be good to others. Vengence is not for the people. It is for God to decide our faith. Shame really. We are in the 21st century yet our thinking is bordering on Stone Age mentality. We think we have progressed in our lives but our faith belongs to the lowest rung of the ladder....

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