Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Look at the cats. Sitting smart on the pillar. Eyes look so innocent. Tails wagging as if a good breeding. Or the cats just dont care. One can stare they just pretend this is their world. It isnt one share you know it has to be shared with every living creatures too. Nay.....I am trying to figure it out how to chase them away. I dont hate animals per se. I dislike them for not knowing their turfs. The on going battle to protect the pearl grass in my garden is losing ground. The cat's urine is killing the pearl grass. I dont know why yet that these feline animals want to hang out in my garden. There are open fields for them to do what they want yet they plonk in to my garden. Maybe they want it here because it is clean and quiet I suppose. The next step is rearing a dog. In this way the turf will be handled by a dog. So the cats won't dare to jump over the fence or stroll in from the gate.............I haven't decided yet.

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