Friday, May 23, 2008

let democracy work for the people

In politics
We shouldn’t have ‘yes’ people all the time
Even in working relationship
The CEO or General Manager must view dissenting ideas

For a project to work
Ideas and feedbacks should be the norm
It is here that investors see
There is healthy democracy at work

Certain issues dictatorial decision rules
Like the basic groundwork of a budget entails
Here CEO or General Manager shall not bulge
It is the tenure at work…………..

Politics mustn’t be one sided drumbeat
It has to flow fighting the ‘common’ enemy
Though the approach maybe different
One shouldn’t be a lackey then where is the self worth?

A leader should know his tenure
When there is too much grumbling
He must know when to go
Lingering on will only make matter worst
The economy will suffer; productivity declines
Here you will find the little warlords rule
They want to be the small kings

Like in DBKL…………..
The city folks are up in anger
What will the minister do?
He is thinking about his position
Then going down to the ground

Let democracy works in the peoples’ party
Otherwise they are no different than BN
We can’t afford to have ‘yes’ people running around
We may as well elect ourselves…………….

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