Friday, April 10, 2009

in the dark night flow

When Darkness Comes by CATeyes
When Darkness Comes by CATeyes from flickr

The wind is howling
In the dark night flow
Disturbing the peaceful sleep
Rattling roof tiles cracking jokes

When I was living on an island
When the wind was strong
I could hear the rattling call
The wooing sound disturbing the night

The rolling waves
Splashing hard on the shore
The dark night dim light stars
I could imagine the ghosts
The locals used to talk about

The wind breezing along
As if nothing would change
The mind took an active imagination
Straining eyes to peep into the darkness
With only a dim light for comfort

The darkness on an island
The silence peacefully flow
Into it a quiet solitude
If the wind doesn't cry loudly

The sky is dark
Twinkling stars scattered
On the beach dark shadows rise and flow
Some who never want to go home
Else get drunk and forget about tomorrow
Only the waves and cool breeze

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