Thursday, June 18, 2009

dont do a job half done

2 little birdies want to fly
Flapping wings when time isnt right
Flying for short distances
Thinking they can get away soon

Chasing after the 2
Catching them put them in the coconut shell
Yet for a while the 2 birdies stayed
Then they try to fly again

Catch them
I put them in the water to swim
Flapping and running every where
Birds like cats dont like water

Back into the coconut shell
It isn't for long they wanted to go
Flapping wings when time isnt right
Lucky for the birdies there is no cat around

Now I put them in the long hollow black tong
Into it the 2 birdies squat until it is known
When time isn't conducive to fly
The birdies have no strengh to airborne
They will be preys to the roaming cats

The youngest birdie stays
It never wants to attempt to fly
Maybe it knows its limitation
Why so stupid when it is just a short distance?

Lesson learn
Don't do job half done
Don't do something when details aren't in
When study hasn't done completely
Announce it when everything ready
It shows character and patience
Not like the pirate in Perak
Half cooked saying it is good

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