Saturday, October 31, 2009

change we must

The turncoats
Running to the 3Ps
Saliva flowing eyes glow
Minds dreaming all the way

Where else ordinary people ask?
To the banks on allocations
Our public funding going to the frogs
Declaring themselves as Bee Anne friendly

These frogs advice
To declare as such to fool the people
They don't hook up with any party
Only friendly to Bee Anne
Then the fund flowing
Bee Anne provides

Bee Anne tell us the truth
On the inside trading coup
The leaders keep telling alleged lies
Thinking the people are fools

And the KPI minister
Writing long hand of good deeds
What he is doing he doesn't know?
Going by the backdoor
He wags his tail for gratefulness

One hiding under the fat lady's skirt
How he smells now he dishes out his story
Advicing others not for himself
This turncoat will be punished in the end
He made so many police reports
When he was on the other side
Now all those reports are conveniently forgotten
Since he jumped to the dark side

Change we must
Unless we close our eyes and minds
Knowing what we see and read
We have to for progress
Nation and her people

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