Tuesday, August 10, 2010

the dark valley 32

Subaltern Crown of My Majesty

The tall dark building
Of the ghosts lived
Interned into its core
Of the officers cruelty

The dark will see
The ghosts will walk free
Within the frames of the building
Waiting for a day to reincarnate

The floor tiles change
The spotted darkness and red light
The guard who patrols
Quickly runs away.........

“I can't go up there
I see ghosts laughing at me”
“You are dreaming
In this world this is the real thing”

“Why not you patrol?
Tell me what you see?”
The leader gets going
Into the tall dark building

Out of the lift
He doesn't need to walk
Right in front of his eyes
A dark creature rises from the floor

The shadow of bright and dark
He pushes the lift button hurriedly
He has no time to ask...
Instinct telling him go quickly

He is pale and trembling
His staff know what he has seen
“You are right
There are ghosts in this building!”

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