Thursday, September 22, 2011

it never surprises the people

Mat Sabu

Mat Sabu of Pas
Malaysia - Today

Mat Sabu charged
For saying his thoughts on history

Under penal code 500
The AG office and police remanded him

In the night the officers came
He was released one hour later

Why the double standard?
The AG and police down the drain

The ameeno leaders speeches
It was seditious but they got free

Even the ruling elites newspapers
Branding in seditious overtones

Yet the AG and police
They don't charge..

People wake up
You can't be blind

Know the history
How the nation came about

It was the freedom fighters
Before ameeno came to fight the British

We must know the truth
Don't let distorted version bring

The birth of our nation
The proclamation of Merdeka!

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