Wednesday, January 25, 2012

marriage isn't a way ticket

Marriage isn't a one way ticket
Many have failed when they don't realize it
They jump into thinking it is all bed of roses
They forget about the thorns poking into their minds

In the beginning so much preparations
Wooing the person you want for life
When you have the person, you don't forget
The time you spend getting it down to your net

Don't ever let it stand alone
You have to nourish it and make it glows
You can't let it be forgotten
It's the trouble with excuses

Let every day a new beginning
It's no use taking vows every year
Like some celebrities do
Yet they forget to work on it

You must let the shine glow
Every time in your mind and soul
Let the chase keep on running
A healthy body a sound mind

Marriage isn't a way ticket
The day you signed for a shared journey
You have to work hard to nourish it
Don't let it be a trophy it will fail

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