Thursday, June 06, 2013

the dark in your mind

When the dark in your mind
You can't see  thing beyond your eyes
You try to feel your way feeling afraid
What lies ahead as you make your way?

You want to say about the ills of the country
The leaders who can't see beyond their own skin
They brand others as they like with their remarks
They forget to think we are one nation one people

The right hand writes something else
Reading out the good stuff for national coexistence
Painted it in roaring colours in our eyes
Many fall believing it is the way

The left hand brushes the black colour
The ugly truth of race and religion
The Constitution will be played around
Leaving the others staring in darkness

We shouldn't forget our multi-coloured people
We shouldn't forget our multi-religions
We shouldn't forget we all born in this nation
We should enjoy our many colours as one people

It's time to think beyond our colours and religions
We shouldn't be fooled by the greedy politicians
We shouldn't be exploited by the race base NGO
We have to stand firm as one people one nation

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