Wednesday, February 25, 2015

the house deep in the woods 1

The house deep in the woods
Flanked by trees and bushes
With yellow roads in meandering ways
It will take a while by motor vehicles

The sunlight flashes through
The glowing rays hitting to the leaves
Casting shadows of many shapes
Pointing out how nature lives

The compound of lighted solar panels
Getting light from the sun
The house stands quiet in the woods
The silence of human voices

Once it was the hive of activities
The parties of songs, wines and romances
Until evil started to mark his ground
The killing spree death of many

The devil took the souls
Leaving the bodies decayed to the soil
In time the police came to look
The house was partially burned

The police couldn't make it
Nothing to show of any existence
The house stood in the woods
As quiet as of humanless voice

As times turn into decades
The house feels its rotten bones
Natural creepers claim its abodes
Leaving trails of roots squeezing in

The sun lights still shine
Partying the ground with its rays
Light and shadows surrounding the house
The wind whisper the leaves shake

The creatures crawl in
Smelling the decay
The house in the woods
Abandoned ages ago

The birds of many kinds
Tweeting out in the broad day light
Telling each other of lost opportunities
Of food once were plenty

The creepers crawl over the structures
The twines grab all the spaces of the house
The lights still penetrating it through
Don't be so greedy give us some spaces”

The squirrels jumping across branches
Tails wagging eyes watching the creatures
Maybe there are food in the house
Else why the creatures crawling in?

The abandoned pond of dirty rain water
The frogs claim its own territory
Of the tropical rain falling into it
The mosquitoes breed abundantly

The wild creeping plants and bushes
Trees grow wild and free
Once the ground of cultured landscape
It is now turned into a wild terrace

The house in the woods
Once it was a party of music and romance
Now it stands holding to its memories
Of its dark history soiled to the abandoned ground

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