Sunday, October 25, 2015

cancer foods

They say cancer kills
The truth is cancer doesn't do it
It is the body turning weak
Letting other viruses make it home

Stage 4 cancer
It is hard to get it healed
The life will be in a balance
Of hope and despair

That's what the doctors will say
There is no cure at this stage
It is better to go home and wait
For the time to say goodbye

But it shouldn't be that way
There is a cause there is the healing
If only we believe in natural foods
Of our roots in abundance

The cancer foods of ABC
Apple, beetroot and carrot
Blend it all together to get the juice
Drink it a few times to get it healed

Then you can mix grapefruit with seeds
It will also makes the cancer cells die
IN fact it is said the best is brinjal
The raw eggplant blended and drink

Of course don't take artificial sugar
It is the attraction to make it worst
Chemotherapy will make the body weak
It will open to all kinds of viruses

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