Wednesday, February 15, 2017

can't stand the kitchen heat?

Leaders come and go
In a circle everyone knows
There is nothing new to say
Once you are out
Don't say bad about it
It destroys your own credibility
Your own footprints and principles
You have become your own enemy

If a leader can't take the kitchen heat
Putting up exhaust fans and even air-conditioned it
He still keep ranting bad echoes and can't accept views
He has to quit or face the music for singing off keys
He can't blame others for his predicament
It is himself who made his own blunders

Come together for a common enemy
It isn't nothing wrong on the face value
Take the bad out first and when dust settles
They can look at the common problematic issues
Right now they have to move their differences aside
They have a common enemy and he must be taken out

The nation needs honest leaders
To bring growth, developments and soft skills
Advancing her people to the world stage
It isn't for the corrupted and arrogant leaders
These type of leaders should be caged for good
They only bring bad news and decay of the minds

If leaders can't stand the heat
It is better they quit and leave the stage
Don't stay on to put a sour face
Putting more problems than solving it
Can't stand the kitchen heat..
Don't be a cook!

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