Sunday, February 12, 2017

why the rumour?

Why the rumour?
The tales of unsatisfied ice-cream
The melting pot the greedy wants it all
But there is so little for so many
This is the reason some will leave
The taste of the ice-cream melting in the mind

The rumour goes viral
The fire spread like unsatisfied fire
It comes from the horse mouth
The identity is murky of the polluted pond

There are many fishes
Big and small swimming in the pond
Each has his own agenda best keep to its scales
Showing the shine but never the true colours

And so the rumour spread
Nobody dares to sing the blue
It's a secret hoping to get the cash
it is best the whole group fall into the dark well

As with all rumours
It will turn out true in time
1MDB will taint a person's reputation
It brings no good cheer today or tomorrow

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