Wednesday, February 01, 2017

stay alert while driving

Deaths on the road
What a waste of life?!
Don't the drivers know?
A few seconds late
It doesn't make a difference
It is better to stay alive then be gone!

Reach the destination in one piece
Not in a tangle of broken and crushed metal
Is this the way to tell your fate?
Crushed to the bones faces all gone?
A few seconds late you can't tolerate?

Overtaking motor vehicles
You must see the clear signs
Don't think you drive a better car
You can easily cut the chase
When you are crushed it is too late!

The accident cars I see
Parked on the side road
All badly damaged cars
Head collision or back crushed
The car workshop keeps busy
As the cars keep piling up
The tragedy in each broken affair

Drive with eyes focus
Mind at the alert
You will never know fate
Once you are distracted
Fate will make its way

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