Sunday, September 03, 2017

forget the green moon

PKR can't drive its car
The floods get it stucked
The rising water makes it panic
It prays for the green moon

The other cars watch
On the higher ground horns
Start the engine
Do it now!”

PKR struggles its car
Absorbing dirty water
Choking its life
It tries to ignite the fire

The green moon laughs
There is no way to help
I am standing at the other side
You are on your own battle!”

Inside the PKR's car
The occupants blaming each other
I tell you not to drive into it
You say it is safe to drive through”

Now PKR sees
The red light every street
What's happening?
Are we drowning?”

No you aren't but a fool
It is said you have to wake up
Stop dreaming about the green moon
You will go nowhere with it”

The other cars honk
PKR's car wakes up
Ignite its engine
It roars back to life!

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