Thursday, September 07, 2017

the evil force

The Islamic militants
What have gone wrong in their heads?
They are hell bent to destroy peace and harmony
Is this what they are trained in Islam?

The religion of wrong approaches
By the half past six clerics to brain washed the followers
The forgiving of their past sins and the virgin brides
They are surely going to lake of fire!

Though the police forever in alert
The forces of evil will still float in
By the hidden agenda they came
As students, as technicians, as workers

The Islamic militants can't stand the peace
They want to destroy it as a mandate by the evil force
They think their religion is in the forefront of anything
Other people and faiths shouldn't be teaching

We thank the police for the clampdown
The public too must not dig their heads in the sand
The Islamic militants have a foothold here
There are people who support them in the shadows

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