Thursday, September 07, 2017

the married life isn't bed and roses

The married life
A long term relationship
Fall in love see the stars
When reality bites in
Many couples opt it out

It isn't bed and roses
The shining light of stars
When the honeymoon is over
The little bits and pieces
It will become a nuisance

This is a fact of married life
There shouldn't be any short changed
It has to be fully committed in it
There is no back door to seek a relationship
There is no reason to get married another person
It means the trust has broken
The circle will repeat again

The basis of married life
It is sex all the way
Once it never happens
The marriage will be on the rock
The ill wind will blow hard
The sails will take the full brunt

The money and green eyes
The distrust in a married life
The impatience and intolerance
It will slowly erode the married life

The married life
It isn't bed and roses
The want of a time
Whe reality throws everything around
It takes goodwill and patience
To stay on the ground

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