Saturday, November 04, 2017

the sleeping apa mandi

The sleeping Apa Mandi
The case of IMDB
It can't be kept in the drawer
It has to be settled to go forward
There is no reason to hold back
There is no reason to say lack of evidence
Go look at the bank accounts
There will be the evidence well documented
It is unless the sleeping Apa Mandi ignores it
Closing his eyes and dream on life on the beach
The sleeping Apa Mandi
He makes the law look tame
All the evidences can be found
In Singapore and USA
They have the whole documents
Relating to 1MDB
Why say lack of evidence?
You take an oath
But you fail to honor it
The day will come
You will wear the orange attire
You will lose your credibility
Better wake up and realize
God isn't smiling on your behaviour
God will make you pay big time

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