Friday, May 18, 2018

the dark angel falls

The dark angel falls
Tumbling down to the ground
With a cry he can't believe it
He has lost his wings!

Once he could fly
Everywhere with his wings
Now he feels helpless
He has no way to hide

He sees the ants moving in
Carrying out his ill-gotten jewels
He wants to stomp it with his feet
He is helpless without his wings

He can only see with his eyes
The dream he carves for himself
Finally it turns into fallen pieces
With him as his main culprit

The yes men stay a low profile
They too are afraid when the ants will come
The tiny insects can turn big as if by magic
Taking away all the ill-gotten wealth

The dark angels feel remorseful
The years of his sins finally catching him
The Bamboo River is singing his name
Along with his cronies marching in

God moves in mysterious way
He doesn't say how He will carry it through
Once He says He will move His chess pieces
Nothing will stop Him to carry out His tasks

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