Thursday, May 03, 2018

the small car in the pond

The small car in the pond
How it land there?
Driving too fast?
Falling asleep?

A villager saw
He didn't report
He said he was scared
He could have told his friends

By the next morning
He came with his friends
The driver in the car
Dead in the pond

The villager didn't act quickly
Instinct could have told him to do
But he has to hold on to his dilemma
A man died when rescue attempt didn't arrive

It was said long ago
Better to carry an axe in the car
In case of emergency something can be done
Will the police allow it?

The family members shouldn't wait
Every minute counts when loved ones fail to return
They should scout around the neighborhood
But nothing is done a life is lost in the pond

Death waits for nobody
It comes as it pleases
The living should be prepared
We can't see tomorrow

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