Wednesday, July 04, 2018

fleas and ticks

Most of the stray cats
They don’t come anymore
They are afraid to get the fleas and ticks
Of one cat who stays on and off

This cat moves around
Places of dirt and sleeps there
A nice clean place the cat doesn’t want
Rather it is the unkempt places

Once it was so bad
I sent him to the animal clinic
He got a jab and some medicines
Then he would disappear again

Though the jab takes 2 weeks to be effective
The fleas and ticks spread to his chin and head
The cat uses to scratch and gets it injured
I have to apply yellow lotion to stop infection

Now he is the only one returns
The food he enjoys to eat
The other stray cats are all gone
By pass the house afraid to jump in

One cat who spreads the disease
I presume he is dead for good
I don’t see him for many weeks
I don’t see him in the back lanes

But this Ronin Siamese cat
He will return for his food
Sometimes he sleeps for awhile
When he gets his full he will disappear

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