Sunday, July 29, 2018

in history the story will be told

In history the story will be told
The inhabitants of this nation
All of us are the immigrants
We must be honest with ourselves

The true people of the soil
It belongs to the aborigines
They came here to settle
Before the others inhabitants

The aborigines toiled the land
They hunted within their own areas
They didn’t go far and wide
They didn’t have the capacity

In time the Indian Empire took control
It spread its wings to the land and breath of the nation
Pushing the aborigines into the jungles
Thus, the aborigines lost their land from invasions

In time of growth trading came
The traders brought with them their own religions
The religions caught the people then
It spread far and wide

The Malacca Empire embraced Islamic faith
With it the people too converted to it
Though other religions allowed to stay
For Islam spread its compassionate view

The Portuguese and British Colonials came
They conquered the country and spread its administration
The religions weren’t curtailed
They were allowed to spread its way

The decades came and gone
In time we seek our independence
With it we have our Constitution
A document to decide our future

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