Monday, April 29, 2019

lucifer on the move

Satan on the move
With his bag to collect souls
Time is running out for him
He has to create chaos for his existence

The fire angel knows his fate
He wants to challenge his Master
He thinks he is good in his art
The truth is he has lost his game

He makes one religion
Sprinkle with half -truth and copying tales
He brings it forth to run his test
He shifts his appearance lying through his mind

The false prophets came and gone
Even today we hear of the familiar tales
People like to believe in stories
Dreaming of paradise dreaming of easy life

The breed of extremists
They think they will go to paradise
Lucifer likes to make his story
He knows he has no chance back to Eden

So, he cultivates the tales
Catch the greedy ones to do his trade
He wants to collect souls in his bag
He can show his Master he has a pool of admirers

Don’t believe a word Satan say
He likes your soul for his own safety
The paradise world isn’t his to give
Don’t fall for his tricks he says he can

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