Wednesday, April 10, 2019


NSC Act 2016
It shouldn’t stay its welcome
This law should be put in the bin
It shouldn’t be allowed to breathe!

Previously, PH leaders shouted on it
They stayed united to repeal this shameful Act
They made so many noises for people to hear
When Bee Anne passed the Act into law

Now, PH is the government
The leaders have the right to repeal this law
Instead they tabled an amendment to it
Change certain key words retain all intact!

No Sirs, the NSC Act should be gone
It is in your manifesto so stay on course
The Old Man may have his reasons to stay
But this Act is against the Constitution

PH leaders don’t fail the people
Don’t you guys read the criticisms at all?
Don’t let power corrupt your soul and mind
You will suffer the same fate as Bee Anne

PH leaders don’t make many U-turns
You have another 4 years to change your ways
You have made history don’t let history made fun of you
Stay on course on your manifesto!

*National Security Council Act 2016

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