Friday, June 14, 2019

the circle of the power game

The blue eye boy
Some dark forces want him out
In the circle of the power game
Let him fight his way in

The deep fake rules
The gadgets can be used
Who want to believe the fake news?
It is bad the person who edited and released it

There is ton of money to be made
The deep pockets may bankroll it
The cash can buy many favours
Even to discredit the opponents

One actor confessed so quickly
He doesn't feel ashamed or remorse
He felt proud of saying it
Claiming who is involved in the video

He wants to show its authenticity
By naming the minister he has played his game
On hindsight he has brought shame to himself
He has brought a shameful act to his family too

The sex scandal in politics
The nation doesn't need it
It is her economy the politicians should fight
Why involve in sex nothing but sex again?

The people aren't interested
The sexual tastes of each person
It is a private affair in own domain
We aren't saints anyway!

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