Monday, June 12, 2023

don't shame your own party


The members of any political party

They have to understand the party rules and law

Before they do any stupid move to shame their own party

They should read the Ros Act on its judgement

Even the Minister order can't be challenged in court

As it is written in law the court can't interfere

Why should these members behave that way?

A secret agenda formulated within the parties?

It is a waste of court time

They must be prepared to pay the fine

The law is clear on it as the court can't interfere

These members will face the sack automatically

There were cases in the past

The High Court threw out the cases

The members lost their membership

Today some members haven't learned

Maybe these members want to shame their own party

They may have been paid to file the case in court

The lawyers should have advice them on past judgement

But lawyers always want to earn their living

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