Monday, September 16, 2024

don't let the bad song hit in the air


The crocodiles wagging tails

Getting smoke of dust in the air

Feeling good maybe getting dizzy

Heads swaging heavy on 2R

Pushing forward agenda

Of a race to set the outcome

The crocodiles and the moos

The power struggles will get the knock

The greed will take on the trend

Camouflage by religion to soothe the mind

But it is still a sin no matter how they spin

About economy they can't reason

When they are at a loss of words

They will sing praises to God

Telling all it is God's way

It has nothing to do with them

The police should take action

They can't sit still and play hand-phone games

The crocodiles will turn the table upside down

They will not abide by the Constitution

The way they walk they are still the crocodiles

Renaissance man must change tactics

He can't be following their antics

He needs to listen to the ground

He needs to have his backbone to hound

Don't let the crocodiles spinning bad sound

Over to you Renaissance man

Don't go round and round

You have your chance to correct the bad ways

You mustn't let the bad song hit in the air

It will not be good in your administration row

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