Tuesday, September 17, 2024

the dirty money


The dirty money

Exchanging hand to hand

From bank to bank too

The stained on it

Let the imagination run

What will it say?

I am not good value?

It's still money

Traveling into many places”

It's only the fake holy persons

Trying their best to justify their claim

They want to play the little gods

If only they look in their mirrors

What will they see or say?

Don't they like money?

Even it is dirty money in their hands?

The fake holy in our lives

They don't want to enjoy paradise

They only think of heaven

This is why they got it wrong

If they don't learn they can't go

The heaven they can dream

Nobody knows about heaven

It is only in scripture

Somebody wrote about it

So it is best to enjoy paradise

Heaven can wait

Enjoy the earthly joy

The good or the bad or ugly

Let God decide what He will do

When He opens his record book

Telling each one of us

I know you aren't perfect

Why try to live in it?

You know I can forgive”

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