Wednesday, September 18, 2024

the big mouth


The big mouth of a junior chief wolf

He still has his swagger running along

Creating heat waves in the social media

He even got rewarded with a state title

The senior wolves never stop or advice him

In silence it is a tacit approval to go ahead

Hitting at the Rocket at every opportunity

Though they forget they are in unity family

The big mouth has bird brain

Hitting high on his 2R campaigns

The faults lie with his top leaders

And Renaissance man slow response

The police will not take action

The officers will not make their own reports

It is the perception of a race giving leeway

Until today police haven't said anything

The Rocket Nyonya has to file a civil suit

Demanding $25 million from the junior chief wolf

The man still never realizes his mistakes

He is still arrogant talking in bird brain

While the police jumped on the wagon

Quickly summoned her to make her police record

The minister who mooted the statement in public

The police never summoned him to police station

Renaissance man didn't defend but offer excuse

Though Rocket chief said he backed his senior MP

It is a public interest on owners of businesses

The minority rights are protected under the Constitution

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