Sunday, September 08, 2024

halal certification


Halal certification

Let the business owners decide

It has nothing to do with Jakim

Renaissance man doesn't see it

The way he is conducting affairs

He is truly showing his colors

If he doesn't stop and see

He will lose it all in GE16

PH leaders should sound it out

Renaissance man mustn't rule it solo

His party isn't in the majority

He should consult his coalition partners

The Rocket will not agree

As it is today the party has lost its teeth

The roar of the jet engine is silent

The Rocket better wakes up now

Start the engine firing all cylinders

The Rocket leaders must sound out the alarm

Renaissance man has gone back to his old self

He has forgotten his black eye and prison cell

One after another

Causing him to lose votes

He can be like Joe Biden

One term he can stay

When nothing is broken

Why need to break it?

No need to allocate too much funds to Jakim

This fund can be allocated to help the poor

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