Wednesday, December 28, 2005

flames of fury 19

MBSA of Selangor has passed a new regulation for dog owners to comply. The city council only allows breeding of dogs in bungalows or corner units. It becomes effective on 1 Jan 06. So all those animals lovers have a tought time to understand the rationale behind this regulation. I know when dog owners do not play their part on tackling the 'shit' business of dogs, they shouldnt be allowed to rear dogs in the first place. When dog owners do not know how to clean their dogs and teach the dogs to behave, they shouldnt be allowed to rear dogs in their homes. I know it is a nuisance when the dog owners do not know how to breed dogs. The new regulation also covers type of dogs are allowed (bungalows & corner units) to the owners of these houses. Although it is tough regulation for the dog owners, they should understand the reason why this piece of hard regulation is introduced. I know many dog owners will cry foul of the regulation. I think MBSA has acted in the correct procedure. Most dog owners rear dogs to protect themselves and they dont care about neighbours perception. Besides, the future dog owners too must get written permission from their neighbours on dogs ownership. If the neighbours agree, then eventually they shouldn't complain and should share their responsibilities as if they too own dogs in the neighbourhood. I believe there will be an uproar about dog ownership in Shah Alam...

An Indian convert died. He didnt inform his wife or his family. The wife said he was a Hindu but the syariah court said he was a Muslim. The High Court couldn't overturn the verdict of the syariah court. He was buried as a Muslim with much anguish to his wife and family members. Why the husband didnt tell his wife? Why the authority didn't inform his wife? Because by his conversion his marriage becomes void unless his wife converts too. Since he didnt inform his wife, he had made his own mistake. By right the religious officials should inform his wife about it when he was still alive. Nobody did. So the misery moans on the family. May he rest in peace.

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