Tuesday, January 27, 2009

it is time

One frog jumped out from the pond
The water is hot for his liking
He heard enough of the peoples’ wishes
Forget about principle
This is for the country and people

The ripples will spread
Entangling the ruling elites
For them it is still in denial
About the sinking ship

Look we have enough life jackets
When the ship sinks we will escape
So much arrogance and power sing
Wait when the life jackets don’t work

One frog knows the sinking
He better jumps ship before it is too crowded
By then many will be drowned…………….
Like the sinking Titanic cold water sucks the lives away

Politicians must remember
You are elected to represent the people
For them you owe the allegiance
For them the country you should protect
It isn’t for the party and its leaders

One frog out from the pond
Many will jump when the Ox pokes its horns
This is the time to effect change
For the people and country

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