Sunday, January 25, 2009

MACC gets the sharks

MACC catching the small fishes
In the pond of stagnant water
When the weather is hot
These small fishes can’t escape
In the drying up pond

MACC trying to sink its teeth
Only for the small fishes
They are willing to fish

Hear you! Hear you!
MACC doing a good job!
Catching the money politics
Amongst the greedy politicians

Now who are the sharks?
Giving out easy money to delegates
MACC never wants to find out
It has no teeth; it gets stuck in the mud

Many reports had been lodged
They haven’t found out to investigate
The big fishes in the political heavy weights
MACC turns away

The small fishes
The publicity game
If only they go after the sharks
So many in the political names

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