Tuesday, February 10, 2009

the 3 independents

Lighter Over Darker by mixed meters
by mixed meters from flickr
The 3 independents
Walking on a tight rope
Feeling the air current
Swirling around

They thought they are free
Running to support the devil
When they sold their souls
Sleeping will be deprived

Harm Noh going on a buying spree
Bags full of mint aroma dulls the mind
The weakest souls will fall
Easily into temptations

The 3 independents
Cleverly hiding the true reasons
On the rooftop poking the wind
They thought they are free

One tries to hide
Dare not feel the raw anger of the crowd
Slowly disappearing his face
Thinking he can escape

Two wrongs never make a right
The 3 independents realize
The road of their salvation
They have to pay
Money isn’t everything my friends

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