Tuesday, February 17, 2009

the C.A.T

Devil Cat! by hugsRgood
Devil Cat! by hugsRgood from flickr

O the economy!
Only Harm Noh and Bee Anne sleep
Telling pack of lies
The economy fundamentals are strong
Nothing to worry about

The flute silently blowing
The sad tune whispering in the wind
Ten of thousands losing jobs
Over 300,000 Malaysians home in April
From Singapore she can’t take it any more

Yet Harm Noh and Bee Anne
So busy to run own errands
Political assassinations and bullying
The back alleys politics so good at it

When financial breakdowns looming
These Harm Noh and Bee Anne leaders
They don’t really see it
Maybe they have the wealth in store
They don’t think about the people at all

The King message in Parliament
His Majesty should reign in Harm Noh
The royal command should take from there
The royal message no walking the talk

So we will see
The negative impact in the economy
The CAT gets so scared about water
We don’t see the light as yet

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