Saturday, February 14, 2009

the bell tolls

Running.... leave tonight or die this way. by dinesh_75000
by dinesh_75000 from flickr
The bell tolls
Ringing every time
BN government so slow
Getting out from its store

When costs go up
BN agrees saying to stay alive
When costs go down
So slow walking the talk

Look at TNB
Increased 30% last year
In March only going down 2.5%
TNB thinks we are fools
And BN government says
“I give you cheaper rate
So now vote for me”

The FD deposits in banks
Someone reported it goes down to 2.5% from 3.0%
In time of economic setbacks those living on FD suffers
And BN so slow walking the talk

The sleeping beauty encouraging spending
Yet the banks pull back the FD percentage points
So the contraction will fall in
And our food items never come down

BN leaders so busy
Going into the backdoors businesses
About economy they don’t see
It is always personal wealth and power flow

The alarm bells ringing
Loud and clear many months ago
Yet BN government leaders
So slow walking the talk

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