Thursday, February 26, 2009

the illegal racers

Aurora in the streets of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. by jacobssalon
streets of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. by jacobssalon from flickr
The police siren
Blasting in the hot sun
Chasing after the illegal racers
On the streets of Kuala Lumpur

Revving it up
The Mat Rempit rides
Weaving in and out
No death seems the logic

The roads the life
The illegal racers ride
Endangering others
They don’t care a damn

The police siren
The illegal racers hide
In the back alleys
You see them
Parking motorbikes all in a row
As if nothing has happened

The streets of Kuala Lumpur
Many stories can be told
Mat Rempit is one of them
Death seems to avoid the race
So they are let free
Revving it up on the streets

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