Saturday, March 14, 2009

on the day the paint falls

Lata Kinjang Waterfall, Tapah by onggon
Lata Kinjang Waterfall, Tapah by onggon from flickr

The dot in the dark
Crawling right to the top
Eyes red with anger
Of those who still deny
The right she has
On the throne

The unruly hair
Dusting white web
Years walking in shadows
Now the dot finds
The destiny she thinks she has
On the throne

The fortune whispering
The Indian witch says
'You have a chance
To sit on the throne
A price must be paid
If you aren't careful'

The dot knows
The extra baggage on the shoulders
Let the people scream
“I am going on my throne”

The paint brush hides
Waiting for the opportune time
On the day the paint falls
A new light will shine

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