The former workers
2 died of AIDS
In their prime
When the disease struck
Nobody knew then
The skin rashes
I thought it was food allergy
Even doctors prescribed medications
It gone away a week or two
Then it came again
They were healthy
With active hormones surging
Pretty women fell
I thought they used love magic
I talked to one of them
He agreed to disagree
Secrets buried amongst own kind
Women just came by telephone calls
Words of amorous glow
Women turning on
Money, sex, food
They could claim it all
Even women from Hong Kong
They fell for these two
Money and power
Throwing to the wind
They just ordinary guys
With high voltage of hormones
They wanted to have joyful rides
Words of advice
Who wanted to hear?
When they could have
Money sex and women
When they fell from grace
The disease struck with subtle warnings
Yet they didn't recognize it
Even I didn't notice....
Sick leave granted
Doctors gave them paid leave
Away they returned home
Weeks went to weeks
One admitted to Klang hospital
Leaving a life of death situation
Hanging onto his dear life
As he wished he knew........
One lying in his parent's home
He used to play football until the disease struck
Now when I visited him immobilized............
His parents said it was his final journey
It was years ago seemed like yesterday
The next day I got a call
He passed away in his youthful condition
The AIDS had not done its works........
He died in his sleep
The other worker recovered
He was discharged from hospital
When he came back to see me
He looked healthy and strong
He said he wanted his job back
I said “you are welcome to it”
I didnt know
It was the last time I saw him
When he returned home
He died one week later
Life can be gone in minutes
We are living on borrowed time
Learn to be happy and enjoy
Be grateful of the gift of life
p/s the women went for tests
all indications negative
So it could be
From the honkies women
The last they had one night stand