Cheating on your spouse
Cheating husbands wayward wives
One going left; one going right
They think they are right in silence
Only problems start surfing in the open
Some like it hot in pursuing wants
The variations play into the games
The young women on the hunt
The studs warm themselves into the plot
Cheating husbands wayward wives
Afraid of aging losing the ground
One going left; one going right
They think they are right in silence
Only problems start surfing in the open
Some like it hot in pursuing wants
The variations play into the games
The young women on the hunt
The studs warm themselves into the plot
Cheating husbands wayward wives
Afraid of aging losing the ground
They want to feel wanted and erotic glow
They forget each should grow old graciously
Pulling down structures of family
The ground swells plot of holes begin
Is it worth the lies and cheats?
The loneliness and headaches in the night
Cheating husbands wayward wives
The bridge of faith and honesty lie
Don't sell it behind the door.........
Think of the bigger picture
They forget each should grow old graciously
Pulling down structures of family
The ground swells plot of holes begin
Is it worth the lies and cheats?
The loneliness and headaches in the night
Cheating husbands wayward wives
The bridge of faith and honesty lie
Don't sell it behind the door.........
Think of the bigger picture