Friday, September 10, 2010

what is skin colour got to do?

What is skin colour got to do?

With you and me on this Earth

Aren't we the children of the Lord?

Sharing the creations stock lock and barrel?

It seems others will keep destroying

Everything that is created for us to enjoy

They blame everything under the sun

As long as we don't follow their reasoning

We should learn from ancient mistakes

The way the people then behaved in their lives

They thought they were the master race

By right they should help and share with the unfortunates

Yet they never did though the Lord commands say so

It was through colour of skin that the problem never solved

So it is today we still struggling to get it right in our lives

What is colour skin got to do?

The walk to heavens

Each of us has a chance to do

Just don't blow it away

For Lucifer will keep on tempting

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