Tuesday, September 07, 2010

the old white mazda 4

Mazda 323

The old white Mazda

The years of driving adventures

It finally takes her to her depth

Parking near the garden wall

The wind and sun

She takes it all in her strides

What else she has to do?

She serves her master well

The old age runs its course

Cracked body lines paint peeling off

Rusty lines appear on white body

The signs of old age flow

The small signs appear

Years trying to paint it away

The solution stays for a while

It appears after rain and shine

The dash board turning colour

Under it the leaks drop when it rains

Yet she never complains as she cruises

One stroke the engine comes alive

The old white Mazda

She was a model captured in helicopter flight

Way back on the island where she enjoyed her best

Then returning to the main land the deterioration begins

The old white Mazda

The footprints in my memory

North to South and in between

She still runs as a second car for me

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