Thursday, May 16, 2013

first to get first to taste

The mother cat
Walked in the stalls
Searching for food
The crumbs on the floor
Once it got the fish gill
It ran away
Hiding under the table
She meowed for her kittens
3 grown up kittens came
The eldest ran and snatched it away
Leaving the other kittens
Bewildered and hungry

The mother cat laid to rest
She didn't bother about it
The other kittens only looked and waited
Maybe thinking of left over...
There was none on its way
The eldest kitten chewed and bit the fish gill
Enjoying its moments forgetting about the others
It was the nature of the animals kingdom
The first to get it; the first to enjoy its taste

Any difference in life?
The losers will get the crumbs
The fearful ones will hide
The hungry ones will beg
In the world or surrounding of power
The weakling will suffer in silence

The mother cat looked at her kittens
Lazing around waiting for more
There was nothing for them
The mother cat went away
Leaving the kittens to play along

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