Sunday, May 12, 2013

the parties have to change

Gerakan bites the dust
What's there for Gerakan?
The leaders should pack up and leave
The GE13 the party got the message

The leaders sold for crumbs
The posts they held the warlords they could
Along the way they became the barking dogs
Losing dignity and the losing face for the communities

Am Ci A nearly bites the dust
The party is nearly swallowed up by the quick sand
The party manages to struggle to free
With losses for every one to see

The general runs away
On the election he can't face the voters
He hides in the operation room
He thinks the people will forget

The seats traditionally belong to Am Ci A
He lets it go without a fight
It isn't so much of his sex tape
It is losing face to the community and party

The party harping on the wrong issues
When the major party's corruption and greed
Am Ci A keeps a low drive for it
The party leaders pretend everything is smooth sailing

Now these parties get the message
The people have spoken before the election
Yet these leaders never heed the drumbeats
They still think they are relevant today

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