Monday, May 13, 2013

the old umno deregistered

The old Umno died in 1988
The year of the internal contest
The winner lost the party
Then he got it back quickly

Within a day a new Umno was born
It was registered as Umno Baru
It isn't called Umno...
The members should realize it

Dr Mahathir was the first president
Of the Umno Baru running the country
He was passionate about his power base
He couldn't let it go...

The old Umno had died
Tunku and Hussein Onn knew it
They didn't rejoin the Umno Baru
They knew the old Umno had gone

What's there to say?
The Umno Baru members
Your party is only 25 years old
The old Umno had died in 1988

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