Friday, January 03, 2014

the day in school

The first day in school
The year 1 pupils cried
Seeing the intimidating building
The fence enclosure around

The unfamiliar faces
The adults and children
Along the corridors
Telling the children to behave

The teachers came
Men and Women to the score
The children got quiet
Some began to cry

Marching to the classes
The new friends and faces found
The first time the children met
The faces of many colours

Eyes on the teachers
The pupils stayed on
Some parents would hang around
Worried on their children in class

The active ones
They would go and make mischief
In the classes they belonged
The teachers had to be on their toes

The time flew away
The lessons began on the boards
The hungry eyes watched the words
The letters formed and the tones

Before they knew it
It was time to go home
The bell rung they assembled

The parents or guardians at the gate

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