Monday, November 03, 2014

when love turns wrong 2

She sits in the bar
A bottle of beer in her hand
She holds it to drown her sorrow
When she is dumped by her man

The love game with the living
There is always the drive and sorrow
It never go away so she drinks
Hope to get it numb her mind

The barman looks at her
A few bottles she drinks down
Are you alright Miss?
Find another man or lover”

What are you talking?
I am dumped by a man
There is no end for women
They always get the worst of it”

There is always a first time
Sometimes you get hitched
Sometimes you get thrown away
It is how you pick your man”

Nay..this bottle gets me going
Forget about man or lover
Tonight I want to stay alone
With my beers forget about man”

I think you have enough
Time to stay sober for the night”
The woman smiles at him
Right..I better sit over there”

She walks unsteady to the corner sofa
Holding her beer to finish it while she can
The barman watches her......
Poor woman always get the wrong stick”

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