Tuesday, February 03, 2015

when children are small

When the children are small
They are the jewels in parents' eyes
Even the grandparents will care
The shining stars in the families

The children will not be wronged
The parents will try to make them happy
Pampering them as the young jewels shine
Wooing the parents no end

Once they have grown
The small rascals they will become
Giving parents headaches sometimes heartbreaks
The tantrums to get their ways

When they turn adults
They have the wings to fly
Out of the nests to the new world
So they think it is

The parents will keep worrying
In their eyes they are the shining jewels
The bright stars coming into their lives
They will forget the headaches and heartbreaks

When parents are old
The adult children sometimes return
Some go so far away across oceans
They hardly return to their roots

But the aging parents will say
How good the children are today
Though neighbours know
The children hardly return

The aging parents will remember
The little jewels running in their minds
They hold on to that episodes of their lives
They smile as they brought them to this world

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